ULiègeois" dictionary: definitions of some important terms


Student secretariat, present in every faculty. The people who work there are "appariteurs - apparitrices". They are your point of contact for all administrative aspects of your studies at ULiège.

In addition to the Registrar's Office, some Faculties have a Pedagogical Office staffed by Pedagogical Coordinators. They can advise you on pedagogical matters throughout your studies, and act as a link between teaching staff and students. 

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University studies are organized into 3 cycles: bachelor's, master's and doctorate. The "classic" university course consists of 2 cycles, usually 5 years of study.

University baccalaureates are known as "transition" baccalaureates: they do not lead to a profession, but give access to masters degrees. The same bachelor's degree can lead to several master's degrees, which are either an extension of the discipline chosen in the bachelor's degree, or open the door to new subjects.

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Study programs are presented in credits or ECTS (European transfer credit system). These units correspond to the workload that each student must devote to a given course of study. Credits take into account not only classroom hours, but also practical work, seminars, laboratories, internships, personal work, field research and surveys, etc.

One credit corresponds to 30 hours of learning activities, and a year of study counts for at least 60 credits.

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Teaching units (associated learning activities with common objectives) to be taken in the same year.


A curriculum consists of one or more study cycles. At university, there are always at least two cycles: the transition bachelor's degree and the master's degree. The third cycle - the doctorate - is optional and dedicated to research. It is subject to specific regulations and supervised by a promoter.

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Student delegates are the link between a faculty's teaching staff and the students in their course.



In current ULiège usage, the term "stream" corresponds to a discipline selected from the range of courses on offer. For example, the French and Romance Languages and Literature stream, or the History stream offered by the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature. Or the biology stream offered by the Faculty of Science, or the Bioengineering stream offered by Gembloux Agro Bio-Tech.


This term refers to the academic process of continuing one's studies by changing course. In most cases, this involves moving from a short program to a long program in higher education. The aim is to gain access to a Master's degree after having obtained a short Bachelor's degree at a Haute École or École Supérieure des Arts, usually by means of a complementary program, known as a "complementary program" or "block 0", lasting a maximum of one year (15 to 60 credits maximum, depending on the case).


In a higher education course program: the term refers to the teaching units (learning activities associated with common objectives) of a curriculum that must be validated before enrolling others in your program.

Before starting higher education: the notion of pre-requisites is used to describe the specific knowledge and skills expected at the end of secondary schooling, which are essential to have every chance of success in higher education. For example, a minimum of 6 hours/mathematics per week for civil engineering studies, a minimum of 3 hours/science per week for science courses, or an A2+ level in English or Dutch for information/communication courses.


Division of the academic year covering approximately four months. The academic year is therefore divided into three quarters. Learning activities are spread over the first two quarters, with the exception of certain assessments and professional integration activities. At the end of each of these first two quarters, an assessment period is organized. The third quarter includes assessment periods as well as professional integration and personal work activities.

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A set of teaching units in a program of study corresponding to a set of competencies and a specific teaching profile, leading to a distinct academic degree.

Example: Master's degree in modern languages and literature, Germanic orientation [BM1] 

An orientation indicates a specific feature of the study cycle program, corresponding to a set of learning activities.


An option indicates the student's choice of a coherent set of specific teaching activities (15 to 30 credits) that characterize all or part of his or her study cycle program. The total number of options may not exceed half the number of credits in the study cycle.

Teaching unit

One or more associated learning activities with common objectives. A teaching unit is associated with a specific number of credits.

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updated on 4/29/24

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