The alternative world of gaming

What motivates "addicts" to adventure games is the need to escape from reality, whatever the reasons for this escape.
Some find it an escape from anxiety, social phobia, low self-esteem or competitive anxiety.

For others, it's an outlet for impulses that could prove dangerous to society in real life, such as an immoderate thirst for power, a desire for murder, certain sexual practices, etc.

In the alternative world, players choose an identity for themselves, which may be totally different from their real-life identity. He can change gender, age, personality, have magical powers, be a hero or a respected master, etc. For the duration of the game, he becomes this virtual character. And it's the only identity other players know about him.

Rightly or wrongly, this identity often appeals to him more than his real identity. The return to reality, with its limitations and shortcomings, proves all the more painful...

Fortunately, it's not very common for some players to become mythomaniacs, forgetting in real life that their character is only virtual...

Escape from reality is not a problem in itself, since it's one of the primary functions of gaming, as long as you keep your feet on the ground.

updated on 4/28/24

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