Undesirable effects of analgesics

All analgesics have side effects. Nausea, constipation, stomach pains and drowsiness are the most frequently reported problems. What's more, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs reduce mental alertness and can generate the headaches they are supposed to combat: a nuisance when you have to study !

To avoid these inconveniences and possible damage to the stomach or duodenum, precise dosage is extremely important.

Read package inserts carefully to be aware of any undesirable effects, respect the doses prescribed by the doctor and avoid combining products: two different medicines may contain the same base, which could then increase the concentration in the blood to a dangerous level !

Pregnant women should always consult their doctor before taking any medication! Some drugs are not recommended during pregnancy. 

 Mode d'emploi  


Aspirin liquefies the blood and irritates the stomach, even in low doses. Taken in excess, or in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs, it can cause bleeding of the gastric mucosa (detectable by a blackish discoloration of the stools) and, above all, severe abdominal pain. Over time, aspirin and other analgesics can cause very serious kidney damage.
This toxicity is cumulative, appearing after a lifetime's consumption of 1 to 2 kg of painkillers. So don't get used to taking aspirin too often! Reserve it for the times when you really need it!
Every time you swallow an aspirin tablet, drink a large glass of water in an upright position. Read the manufacturer's instructions, and make sure you dissolve the tablet properly to prevent it sticking to your stomach wall.

Aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs are not recommended for gastrointestinal ulcers.


Paracetamol is much less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. However, a massive dose (well in excess of the recommended dosage) leads to severe liver toxicity.



Non-drug techniques effective against pain


To relieve your pain, you can also think of other, non-drug solutions that could help you solve your problem, without side effects.

  • thermotherapy provides relief through a feeling of well-being and soothing of painful muscle contractures: hot towels, heating pads, infra-red lamps, etc.


  • cryotherapy: cold therapy: effective for sprains, spinal pain, muscle contusions, headaches, etc.
  • appropriate gymnastics, especially for back pain.


  • physiotherapy, massages, muscle relaxation, especially for pain caused by muscular tension due to stress


  • good room ventilation, air humidification and drinking enough water can cure headaches.


  • stress management techniques often help


  • ...
updated on 4/24/24

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