Tranquilizing and stimulating effects of tobacco

There's no denying that smoking a cigarette has a positive, calming and stimulating effect. But there's also no denying what it costs smokers in terms of health. If you weigh up the positive and negative effects, you'll find that the balance is very much on one side or the other...


Calming effect

For most smokers, smoking is a pleasure, and the "cigarette break" is often a moment when they take the time to stop, drink a coffee, chat... in short, to take some time out and relax. However, the well-being felt by smokers when they smoke a cigarette cannot be explained solely by this contextual dimension. When it reaches the brain, the nicotine contained in tobacco binds to cells in the so-called "reward zone", triggering the release of dopamine. This neurotransmitter, which is normally released in a small area of the brain when we experience pleasurable situations or do things we enjoy, causes a change in brain waves and muscle relaxation.
According to recent research, the endocannabinoid system is also stimulated by nicotine, which also explains this calming effect.

Stimulating effect

Several studies have shown that smoking increases alertness and thinking ability. However, this effect on cognitive functions is short-lived. What's more, in withdrawal situations, heavy smokers experience impaired learning and memory mechanisms, as well as major irritability (cf. the film "Le pari").

updated on 4/26/24

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