Législation Belgian legislation classifies gambling establishments into 3 categories: public houses, automatic gaming rooms and casinos.

Minors are not allowed to gamble in public houses. The manager is obliged to check identity cards. Two machines (either bingo or one-ball) are permitted per establishment, as pinball and kicker are not considered games of chance.

Automatic gaming halls and casinos are forbidden to under-21s. The operator must keep a register and systematically check the identity of all persons wishing to enter the establishment. This ensures that the player has not been banned from gaming halls. A player can ask the Gaming Commission to include him or her in this "banned" list (EPIS database), so that he or she can no longer enter these establishments. (http://www.gamingcommission.fgov.be)

Credit is forbidden in amusement arcades and cafés, as are cash dispensers and credit cards (Visa, American Express, etc.). Nor may the operator offer food, drinks or gifts to customers free of charge or at too low a price.

Gaming rooms may not be located near places frequented by young people, nor near schools, churches and hospitals.
The Gaming Commission, assisted by the Metrology Department, checks the operation of the machines. The machines are connected to an online system that automatically sends and checks the data. This enables us to check rates of return, duration of play, average hourly loss and all other regulated parameters.

updated on 4/28/24

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