When you're blocked, it's important to take a few breaks lasting at least an hour, often around mealtimes. This allows you to eat, but also to rest and have a real activity (for example, going swimming...). You'll also need to plan more regular breaks, but watch out for short breaks that last! 

You need to know yourself well enough and choose your type of break to avoid being drawn into a phone call, a TV series or a connection to the network... which will go beyond what you had planned and disrupt your schedule.

Plan regular breaks in your work schedule and make the most of them by doing things you enjoy (listening to music, chatting, getting some fresh air, etc.). Many students feel that these little breaks are a waste of time, but you'll soon find that these moments of pleasure will recharge your batteries and give you back some of that precious energy you need so badly.

updated on 4/24/24

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